Il Centro Sopra Sotto and Gods Water present Giovani Talenti, il Centro’s new talent show for those aged 15 to 25 years. If you think you can sing, dance, do magic, make people laugh or juggle chainsaws…well not maybe chainsaws…or have a unique talent that can entertain people through a 2-minute video, this contest is for you!
Cash prizes!
1st prize $1,000 sponsored by God’s Water
2nd prize $500 sponsored by Sopra Sotto
3rd prize $300 sponsored by Sopra Sotto

All finalists will receive gift certificates generously provided by Sopra Sotto
Finalists will perform at il Centro’s stage at Italian Day on the Drive on June 9th
Judges include industry professionals
The winner at Italian Day is selected by the audience response and the judge’s panel
How does it work:
1. To register for this event please complete this form by June 3rd (limited applicants accepted don’t miss this chance)
2. Send your audition video by June 5th Using www.wetransfer.com Email to: content@iccvancouver.ca / Title: is the performer or group name (The video should be NO more than 2 minutes long. Recorded to be viewed in a vertical orientation, 1080 x 1920)
3. The top 10 videos will be added to @ilcentrovan IG account and will remain until June 7th
a. Your “likes” and “shares” will help the ICC panel to select 10 finalists
4. Finalists will perform on il Centro’s stage at Italian Day between 2 pm and 4 pm where audience participation and our panel of judges, will select 3 finalists.
5. The 3 finalists perform at 7:00 pm where the winner, 2nd and 3rd place will be determined.
What are the Rules
Entrants must be in the age range of 15 – 25 (Born 2009 – 1999)
Entrants must submit a 2-minute video (portion of your act you want to showcase) i.e. 2 minutes of a song, dance routine or act of your talent
Participants singing or dancing must perform:
o An Italian song or one that was sung, made famous or written by an Italian artist
o Dance to an Italian song or one sung, made famous or written by an Italian artist
o Comedians must perform comedy of Italian content
o If you are Italian or Italian descendant, Italian music is not mandatory.
Entrants who are under 19 must have a Parent/Guardian release form with registration
Performers must be available to perform on June 9th at Italian Day on the Drive (Commercial and Grant)
*There is no cost or fees to enter this competition.
Entrants are responsible for all costs related to their audition and or performances.

Thank you to all the participants!
We will see you on Sunday!
If you have any questions regarding the talent show, please contact us at events@iccvancouver.ca content@iccvancouver.ca or by phone at 604 430 3337.